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Frequently Asked Questions

When should I study abroad?

  • The best time for you may depend on your major. Talk with your academic advisor and/or a Study Abroad Coordinator if you need guidance. Most students study abroad during their sophomore or junior year, though many seniors go as well.

What type of credit do I earn?

  • All of our programs offer UW-Eau Claire resident credit. Once your transcript from abroad arrives, your classes and grades will be posted to your UW-Eau Claire transcript and will be included in your cumulative GPA.

Will it delay my graduation?

  • Not with advanced planning! It is possible to fulfill LE requirements when abroad and most students are able to fulfill major/minor requirements.

Do I have to speak another language?

  • More than 40 of our current programs have no foreign language requirements - including programs in non-English speaking countries.

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • Requirements vary by program. Common selection criteria/pre-requisites include GPA (2.3-3.0), class level (all programs require at least sophomore standing, some require junior), and good academic, conduct and financial standing. Others may include prior language study or specific pre-requisite classes.

What if the GPA says "may be flexible"?

  • Certain programs are rigid in their adherence to the stipulated GPAs while other programs consider students whose GPAs approximately meet the requirement. If the GPA has the phrase "may be flexible" please contact the program's study abroad coordinator to learn more. It is ultimately up to our partners to determine, what, if any flexibility will be given, but the study abroad coordinator will be able to provide more information.

What LE's can I fulfill when abroad?

  • For students in the 2016-17 catalog and after if you are doing a study abroad program with an INTA or INTX prefix, you can fulfill one Integration Outcome (I1) with the completion of the study abroad integrated learning orientation and assignments. In addition, certain courses you take abroad may have LE attributes assigned to them.

Can I earn honors credit while abroad?

  • The Honors Program is willing to work with all honors students to help them earn honors credit while abroad. Some programs may have honors credit built into them, but for those that don't, please contact the Honors program to learn how you can still obtain honors credit while abroad. 

I'm a UWEC-BC student - is there anything different for me?

  • UWEC-BC students cannot participate on programs that run as exchanges (where students pay UWEC tuition). To determine which programs those are, the cost estimates will reflect that under the "fees paid to UWEC." 
    • There are still many programs to choose from that UWEC-BC students can participate on!
  • UWEC-BC students interested in faculty-led programs will not be eligible for the subsidized price being that UWEC-BC students don't pay differential tuition. 
  • UWEC-BC students are welcome to meet with our staff to discuss options! Any academic related questions should be directed to their academic advisor.
  • Some scholarship opportunities may not be available to UWEC-BC students. 

What does it cost?

  • There is a wide range of program costs. The basic cost of some programs - tuition, fees, room and board - are similar to costs on campus, plus international airfare. Some cost much more than campus costs. To see an overview of program costs, look for the "Costs at a Glance" documents found on our Fund Your Experience pages.

How do I fund study abroad?

  • See our Fund Your Experience Pages to learn about the following:
  • Financial aid applies and your aid package will be based on actual costs in your host country, including round-trip airfare. 
  • Scholarships: you can apply for UW-Eau Claire, state and federal scholarships for study abroad. 
  • Start saving now! Budget for your time abroad when setting your spending priorities. 

Is there a pre-departure orientation?

  • Yes, all study abroad students take a one-credit class, INTS 145, the semester before they go abroad.  It covers both logistical and cultural topics.  Most of it is online and asynchronous, but there is some group work and an in-person session to meet the others going to your program site and to talk with returned students. 

What kind of support is available for me abroad?

  • All of our programs have an on-site contact to assist you; however the level of support varies by program. Please contact a study abroad coordinator if you want to learn more about on-site support.

What about service learning?

  • You can fulfill your service learning requirement on some study abroad programs. See the program's website for more information.

I plan to study abroad fall (spring) semester, what should I do if I want to live on campus (at UWEC) spring (fall) semester

I want to sublease or I'm looking for roommates