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Faculty + Staff

UWEC faculty and staff play an integral role in encouraging students to study abroad and in helping them prepare for the experience. Below you can find information on:

Advising Resources

Curriculum Integration
The study abroad staff has been working with a variety of departments to have courses evaluated for curriculum integration. To find the completed resources, please see our site called "Your Major + Study Abroad." As more are completed, they will be added to that page. If you are a department chair and would like to work with us to get a major spreadsheet created or updated for one or more of the majors in your department, please email Anna Dresnack ( 

Integrated Learning (I1):
Students participating on a CIE program (non-faculty led) can fulfill one Integrated Learning (I1) requirement by completing short assignments prior to going, while abroad, and after returning to the U.S. This is not automatically granted when a student studies abroad. As part of the INTS 145 orientation course study abroad students complete the semester before their program, students will opt-in to completing I1 through study abroad as a required course assignment. Students who opt-in will then complete the additional assignment(s) via the INTS 145 Canvas course during the term they are abroad and/or after they return home, depending on the term and the program dates.

All assignments need to be completed in order to receive I1 credit. If a student does not opt-in during INTS 145, they cannot be retroactively added. Questions about Integrated Learning and how the process works can be sent to Anna Dresnack ( 

Additional courses that students take abroad may hold other LE attributes. The Transfer Credit Wizard may list these; you will need to use the UWEC catalog for direct equivalencies. 

Guide to Spanish Classes Offered on UWEC Study Abroad Programs:

UWEC Spanish Equivalents 2024-2025

Website Pages to Know
We know sometimes students may ask you their questions. If you want to better prepare yourself, these pages are a good place to start. As always, don't hesitate to direct students to us, we're happy to assist!

Promotional Requests + Resources

International Classroom Speakers
Each semester a number of faculty open their classrooms to International Classroom Speakers. Study Abroad Interns will give these presentations either in-person or virtually. If you are interested in having an intern talk to your class, please send the following to 
  • Class name
  • Preference for virtual or in-person. If in-person, provide class location
  • Class meeting time/days
This information will be passed along to the interns and one of them will email you to confirm specific presentation information.

You can also book a presentation directly via our Bookings page. 

The interns are also available to talk to campus organizations, residence hall wing meetings, etc.

Study Abroad Fair
The Fall 2024 Study Abroad Fair will be held on September 19th in the campus mall from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We hope to see you there!  

Bulletin Board Items
Use these materials to create your own study abroad bulletin board!
bulletin board items.pdf

Faculty Teaching + Research Abroad Opportunities

To learn more, see the CIE page for International Faculty Opportunities.