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At orientation we encourage students to create a parent folder, that they leave behind, containing the following information:
  1. Copies of every important document, including but not limited to:
    • Passport
    • Visa
    • Acceptance letter/email from CIE/host site
    • Credit & debit cards (front & back)
    • CISI insurance info, copies of claim forms, copy of card
    • All flight information and tickets
    • Lodging information, if leaving early or coming back after the program
  2. All his/her banking info (including directions of how to transfer $ between savings and checking. We recommend that students have a parent or other trusted person as a co-signer on their accounts.)
  3. All his/her financial aid info. A copy of Power of Attorney documents, if granted.
  4. Any info someone would need to do his/her taxes in April (if s/he is abroad in spring)
  5. A list of phrases/pronunciations in the appropriate language that you could use when calling your student, such as "Is Sara there?" "This is her mother" "This is not an emergency", etc. (Sara's mother said this was VERY helpful.)
  6. His/her phone number/address in the host country and phone numbers/email of:
  • His/her travel agent
  • The contact person at his/her site abroad
  • His/her academic advisor
  • The #'s abroad of the people with whom s/he will be traveling and the US numbers of their families